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·优秀影人:江西摄影家——左勇[2017.6.1--2017.6.30]  ·阿勒泰托勒海特草原  ·优秀影人:贵州摄影家——杨荣[2017.12.1--2017.12.31]  ·人物写真作品欣赏  ·每周影人:福建摄影家冯德金(2009.9.7-2009.9.13)  ·每周影人:湖北摄影家税晓洁(2010.3.15-2010.3.21)  ·北京金融街风光  ·沈阳故宫:中国明清皇宫文化遗产 满汉建筑融合的典范  ·三亚春节游广受热捧 订房、出行成“两难”  ·香格里拉  ·黑龙江镜泊湖瀑布——中国最大的火山瀑布  ·山西祁县乔家大院:北方民居建筑精华  ·奇异的雾凇盛景 漂亮的琉璃世界  ·每周影人:河北摄影家张金辉(2010.7.26-2010.8.1)  ·海南酒店一天差价8000元 节中节后价格相差悬殊  
CCN传媒图片网 www.ccnpic.com  责任编辑:孟波  

Neither initially all together expressive nor simply an assertion of photo-art.


Study of background color and tends to be manic or some anesthetized – other surfaces are unabashedly aesthetic. They all offer color elements that seem too intense to contain thus seem to spread infinitely, yet are self – contained behind glass while growing in sensory quality. Gallery 173 – CameraQQ Art Dept. 2010 (CCN传媒图片网 孟波)

(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)

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